
WordPress shortcode popups class, which simplifies popup creation.

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WordPress shortcode popups generator.

WordPress shortcode popups generator is a PHP class, which facilitates creation of WordPress dynamic popup windows. This should help the developers out in creation of a well thught user interface for a more complex shortcodes having several fields. Generally manual management of shortcodes is quite cumbersome, our class aims to sort that issue out.

Basic Usage

  1. First instantiate the class

$shortcodes = new WP_Doin_Shortcodes_Generator();

  1. Add a shortcode

$test = $shortcodes->add_shortcode( 'acfrpw', 'ACFRPW', 'Choose from a list of settings to create the acfrpw shortocde. Any content (shortcodes as well) can be placed in the textareas.' );

  1. Add some fields

$test->add_field( 'text', 'css', __( 'CSS Class', 'acf_rpw' ) );

  1. Generate the shortcode


You'll end up with a popup window that would place the following shortcode for you:

[acfrpw css="the text you specified"]

Available fields

Currently there are 5 available fields to specify. The second argument of each add_field method needs to be different, as the values are stored as keys of the associative array. All of the fields take from 3 to 5 arguments, the first one denotes the type of the field used, the second one, a uniqe name of the field. The third one a heading of the element, which should describe the element, the fourth one a description, which describes the element in detail and the fift one, used for the select and checkbox fields is an array of key -> value pair used for the values and names of select options and checkbox fields.

  • Column field The column field is used to divide the viewport to 1/3. Each column should have a 'start' and 'end' elements, placed respectively before and after all other column fields

->add_field( 'col', 'fcs', 'start' )

  • Text field

The text field takes 3 to 4 arguments, the first one denotes the type of the field (text), the second one its unique name, the third one its heading and the foruth one an optional description.

->add_field( 'text', 'css', __( 'CSS Class', 'acf_rpw' ) )

  • Select field

The select field takes 5 arguments, the first one denotes the type of the field (select), the second one its unique name, the third one its heading, the fourth one a description (input empty string for none) and the fifth its key -> value pairs.

>add_field( 'select', 'ord', __( 'Order', 'acf_rpw' ), '', array( 'ASC' => __( 'Ascending', 'acf_rpw' ), 'DESC' => __( 'Descending', 'acf_rpw' ) ) )

See the source code for more information.

WP doin doesn't not provide support in case of accidental issues or improper usage of the code, the code is provided as is with no guarantee of further changes. The current release of the code is a Beta which may be buggy.